Gender Equality Thematic Review


To develop an Analytical Framework using WaterAid’s Equality, Inclusion and Rights Framework to assess WaterAid’s work on gender equality.

To provide an independent and rigorous thematic review of WaterAid’s global portfolio, emphasising gender-transformative WASH.

To analyse five Country Programmes in-depth: Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Ghana, Uganda, and Niger.


Qualitative research approach, conducting key informant interviews and focus group discussions both globally and within five case study countries.


Analytical Framework

A newly developed framework, co-developed with stakeholders, based on WaterAid’s Equality, Inclusion, and Rights Framework, designed specifically to evaluate WaterAid’s work on gender equality.

Thematic Review Report

An exhaustive report that provides an independent and rigorous thematic review of WaterAid’s global portfolio, focusing on gender-transformative WASH.

additional resource.